Call 000  (TRIPLE ZERO) for all emergencies

For matters that are not emergencies, contact the following:

  • SA Ambulance Tintinara Branch
  • Volunteer Team Leader: Naomi Stidiford
  • Mobile: 0428 822 143
  • Tintinara CFS
  • Captain: Ross Zadow
    Mobile: 0428 562 742

Have you ever thought about becoming a volunteer? How easily you could fit it into your life?
How much you’d get out of it personally?

Volunteers provide professional emergency services within their communities. And in return, they gain self-confidence and decision-making skills in often challenging situations: skills for life.

Make volunteering a part of your lifestyle.

Volunteers often lead busy lives, so we aim to keep volunteering as simple as possible. Our volunteers are in their twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties and even seventies. And what they have to say about volunteering is very revealing.

Benefits of volunteering

As a volunteer, you will gain the skills and confidence to take control in an emergency situation and to save the lives of others. The personal satisfaction and self-esteem that comes with this is immeasurable. But as well as learning emergency skills, other life skills will get a boost – like decision making, team and leadership abilities. And our volunteers are trained in safe, defensive driving: that’s something you’ll call on every day.

As a prospective volunteer, you’ll have qualities that we recognize as important – your compassion, your commitment to the community and your willingness to learn are just a few.

It makes our service better and in turn it serves you with skills for life.