Notice of TRADE AGM The AGM of TRADE (Tintinara Regional Area Development Enterprises) will be held on the 19th of November at the Tintinara Hotel with dinner starting from 5:30 pm and the AGM commencing at 7 pm.
Notice of TRADE AGM The AGM of TRADE (Tintinara Regional Area Development Enterprises) will be held on the 19th of November at the Tintinara Hotel with dinner starting from 5:30 pm and the AGM commencing at 7 pm.
The Orchid and the Crow is a comedy about an atheist surviving cancer by finding God in Lance Armstrong - with songs! Daniel Tobias grew up in a Jewish-atheist household. In 2004 he found out he had stage-four testicular cancer and went searching for God. Any God. Enter Lance Armstrong, seven-times winner of the [...]
TRADE'S Gala Luncheon Tuesday 18th of July 2017 11am-3pm Tintinara War Memorial Hall Tintinara Regional Area Development Enterprise Inc. (TRADE) Gala Luncheon to welcome Dr. Temple Grandin to Tintinara. Dr. Temple Grandin is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University, a consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior and a spokesperson [...]